How to Believe Ahead of Time

One of the things almost all of my new clients ask me is: “How can I believe that I will reach my goals when I have never done it before? Here’s my favorite analogy. Just like a baby learning to walk. No matter how many times they wobble, scrape themselves

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The Secret To My Consistent Work Out Routine

Something that I am really proud of is my morning exercise routine. I have kept up my morning workout routine for close to a year now. But I wasn’t always this way. The reason I’ve been able to keep this up is because I am extremely specific about my goal and

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How To Overcome The Monday Jitter’s

Do you ever get super stressed thinking about your week ahead? It’s really common! The later it is in the week, the more unsettled we often feel thinking about the week ahead. What really helps me stay in the moment and not feel stressed about next week’s workload, is setting

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The Dangers of Hitting the Snooze Button

My morning routine is very important to me. Rain or shine, I set my alarm and have a specific list of tasks I aim to accomplish before I officially start my day. Some days it’s really tough, but I push through knowing how good I feel when I start my

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What To Do When Goal Setting Gets Hard

Let’s get real, setting goals can be tough. You have those grand plans of making this awesome change whether it’s starting to make time for yourself, get healthier, or stress less at work, and it just doesn’t happen! This happened to me a couple months back. I made this plan

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3 Ways To Set Achievable Goals

Setting goals is amazing for short term and long term motivation. It helps you focus on your priorities, rather than other tasks.Here are three steps to setting goals that you’ll actually accomplish: 1.Set Specific Goals. Be as specific as possible when setting a goal. The more vague your goal is,

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Welcome To My Blog

My name is Binie Klein, and I am so happy you’re here! Here’s a little bit about me: I was born and raised in Miami and I am the second of nine children. I love sushi and a good cocktail, working out, and spending time with friends and family. I

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Hi, I'm Binie!

I help busy professionals like yourself set lasting goals so that you can live the life of your dreams!

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