Life Coaching

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“If only there were more time in the day.”

I used to say this to myself all of the time.

I was sure that with a few more hours I would be able to do it all: Accomplish what I needed to get done at work, exercise, spend time with my family, take care of my house, sleep, eat a nutritious lunch, keep up with my friends, etc.

It wasn’t until a couple of years ago where I realized that we all have the same amount of hours in the day.

And that how I choose to spend my time is a choice. 

That led me to taking a good hard look at how I was spending my time and if that was in line with what I value and believe is top priority.

It wasn’t.

This started my journey to being intentional, scheduling my week to be filled with all the things important to me: my health, my family, my business, and living an amazing life.

There is an art and a science to fitting more in and achieving your goals.

If you want to improve your life and achieve things such as:

  1. Taking better care of yourself (exercise, sleep better, take a lunch break, eat a nutritious breakfast).

  2. Being more present with your family (no more rushing through the evening routine with your kids or giving your husband a fraction of your attention and feeling guilty about it later).

  3. Switching careers, starting a business, or taking your business/career to the next level (you know WHAT to do, but there is a reason why you haven’t gotten to that next level yet).

  4. Make more money + improve your relationship with money (no more avoiding your credit card bill).

  5. Manage your time better (learn to set boundaries so that tasks get done quicker and smoother).

  6. Feel calm and fulfilled while having the tools to navigate the unexpected bumps of life.

  7. Create a day-to-day schedule you LOVE and look forward to waking up to.

You need a plan + simple tools to get you there.

You’re in the right place. I got you. 

Welcome to 1:1 Coaching with Binie Klein

Schedule a sixty minute call with me to discuss your goals and vision for your life. 

Get personalized guidance from me on your path to success, learn how coaching can help you achieve this, and decide if this is your best next step.

I am not your average life coach.

I use a unique blend of cutting edge strategy and top of the line mindset tools to help you create your most extraordinary life.


“Before I started coaching I was feeling stuck in a rut, like I was just going through the motions of living life, taking care of my kids without any intention, never making time for myself. After 6 months of coaching, I can firmly say that I am a completely different person, and not only do I feel like that but my husband and family has noticed it as well.

I now take time for myself so that I have energy to take care of my family, I started prioritizing my health and well-being so that I can be a better mom and wife and realized that it is not selfish, but actually the total opposite! I got the clarity that I was looking for to decide on my next profession, and was able to leave a job that was dragging me down and not furthering my life goals. My relationship with my husband has improved tremendously thanks to our coaching, I have changed the way I think about and speak to my husband thanks to Binie’s wisdom and guidance.

After every call, I hung up feeling so empowered and motivated, just the calls with Binie alone are like a little boost of self-care! For any person who feels like they are just going through the daily motions and not living their best life, I can’t recommend coaching with Binie enough, you definitely won’t regret it!”

-M.R. client

How we do one thing affects everything, that is why I coach my clients on all aspects of their lives.

Decide if working with me is your best next step by scheduling a free consultation.