The life you lie awake thinking about.

Where career success, a vibrant family life, health, and fulfillment is your reality.

Want in?

As a woman in my young twenties, I was constantly being told that once you have kids, the fun and games are over.

Life is busy and stressful. There’s no time for anything.

It’s work-kids-clean the house-Netflix-pass out- and do it all over again.

This is not the life I wanted.

I knew what I wanted:

  • A career or business that I actually wanted to get out of bed, leave my family, and go to.

  • To make real money and contribute to my family.

  • A deep, loving relationship with my husband. I wanted to be able to slow down and actually enjoy and connect with him without having my to-do list or my exhaustion on my mind.

  • To prioritize my health. I wanted to keep going to the gym 5x a week. I wanted to eat healthy and sleep well.

  • I wanted to have patience and energy to care for my daughter and be present with her.

  • I wanted to enjoy life, even though I was busy. I wanted time for date nights and fun weekends with family and friends.

But how?

I didn’t have the answers, but I was determined to find a way.

As I searched for a path to have the things I wanted, I stumbled upon Life Coaching, and I was intrigued.

I learned that a Life Coach gets you from where you are now to where you want to be in life.

Could this be the answer?

I decided to find out. I hired my first Life Coach and everything in my life changed.

⮕ I learned how to be gentle with and celebrate myself, and how being kinder to yourself actually helps you succeed.

⮕ I got focused. I worked on not letting myself hate my job WHILE making a plan to exit.

⮕ I doubled down on my health. I realized that taking care of myself was a prerequisite to achieving all of my other goals (being a great mom, connecting with my husband, excelling at work etc.) 

Taking care of my health was the only way for me to have the energy I wanted for my career and my family.

⮕ I started to feel lighter

⮕ I started sleeping better.

⮕ I started slowing down

 I stopped rushing through bed time with my daughter. I stopped checking my messages while my husband recounted his day. I stopped feeling guilty every time I left the house to go to the gym. 

⮕ I stopped scrolling social media so much, because I was no longer avoiding a life I didn’t like, I was creating one I loved.

And I realized that every woman needs the tools and skills I was learning.

Hi, I'm Binie Klein

I’m a certified Life Coach, and I’ve coached dozens of women in their 20s and 30s on creating lives and careers they love.

I help women go after their professional aspirations while prioritizing their health, fulfillment, family time, and other things important to them.

You don’t have to choose one or the other.
When you work with me, you create a life filled with all of the things you want.

Are you next?

I invite you to work with me to achieve every goal that you desire.

Whether it be goals related to: career, health, relationships, motherhood, personal finances, time management, purpose & fulfillment etc.

Nothing is off limits. 

I help you create a beautiful, fulfilling life, and I promise you it’s a lot simpler than you think.

Get started with a complimentary consultation and received personalized feedback on your goals. 
You will leave the call with clarity and a simple plan to get started.

Workshops & Presentations:

Schedule an engaging workshop for your company, team, or organization. 

Binie presents on a variety of topics including: Empowered Leadership, Setting Ambitious Goals, Healthy Habits for Busy Leaders, Women’s Empowerment, and more.


“My experience with coaching has been incredibly transformative. As a lawyer, new mom, wife, and fitness lover, Binie taught me that I can have it all. Binie has given me the tools to tap into my power and feel happy, fulfilled, intentional, and successful, and that in itself is transformative. My life went from chaotic and messy to learning how to prioritize my time, adjust my perspective, and make thoughtful decisions about each aspect of my life. As a new mom, having Binie in my corner to help me through hard decisions and help me up level my life has been priceless. Binie practices what she preaches. If you’re considering hiring her, just do it. You’ll thank me later ;).

-D.T. client

I started working with Binie as I was looking for a life that felt balanced. My life just felt so busy all the time between full time working, wanting to start a business, and raising young children.

Binie worked with me extensively on time management and planning so that I now feel in control of my days and have made changes to live my life in line with my priorities. My biggest growth from working with Binie is around my confidence and how I interact with others. I have gained so much awareness around my tendency to please others and be the person they want me to be. I now feel so much more confident as I am my true self and really living into who I am at my core. “

-M.S. client

Get it All Done:
Without Being a Slave to Your To Do List

There’s a science to juggling competing priorities and fitting it all into your schedule.

This guide will help you identify your top priorities, schedule them into your week, and teach you how to reduce stress in your day-to-day life.