Speaking & Workshops

The American Psychological Association reports that 3 in 5 employees feel burn out and record levels of stress at work.

This not only affects the individual employee, but the productivity, culture, and collaboration of the entire team.

Many companies are noticing their employees “quiet-quitting”. This creates a less than ideal environment for the team where creativity and culture are low, and unfinished projects are high.

Fortune reports that 51% of large companies (and over 70% of fortune 500 companies) have introduced some type of mental health resources for their teams.

Because when people feel better, they work better.

Employee retention and satisfaction doubles when employees have the tools to manage their stress levels and better interact with their team members.

Calm, energized employees create a culture of productivity, success, and collaboration.

And as the leader, you no longer need to spend your time coddling your people or working through conflict, you are now freed up to do the tasks only YOU can do to drive the company forward, and your company is on the brink of a new level of success.

Does this sound like something your team needs?

Enter Binie Klein

Binie Klein is a certified Life Coach and renowned speaker, celebrated for her passion and dynamic energy that she infuses into every conference and corporate setting she enters. With a firm belief that success is within everyone’s reach without the pitfalls of overwork and burnout, Binie empowers individuals with the essential tools to unlock their potential and thrive.

As a leader in personal and professional development, Binie conducts impactful workshops designed to equip leaders with the strategies needed to present their best selves, achieve their own success, and contribute to their teams with unparalleled effectiveness. Her expertise and vibrant approach inspire lasting change, making her a sought-after coach and speaker for organizations aiming to elevate their performance and culture.

 Spoken at:


Workshop Topics

1. Empowered Leadership: Elevate Your Team, Ignite Success

2. Thriving at work and beyond: Cultivating Wellness for Lasting Productivity

3. Success Roadmap: Setting Effective Goals & a Solid Foundation for the Year Ahead

4. Unstoppable: Taking Bold Steps to Achieve Career Goals

5. Bold Moves: Empowering Women to Dream Big and Achieve More


“We were thrilled to have Binie as a breakout facilitator at our recent MPACT conference. She
excelled in delivering two essential topics: Wellness Strategies for Busy Leaders and Strategic
Goal Setting. Binie’s engaging and insightful approach not only made the sessions highly
informative but also truly resonated with our attendees. Her ability to connect with the
audience and provide practical, actionable advice was impressive. Working with Binie was a
pleasure, and the feedback from her breakout sessions has been positive. We highly
recommend Binie and look forward to collaborating with her again in the future!”
-J. Coy, Director, Hotel Openings, Marriott

“Binie’s workshop on Empowered Leadership was engaging, relatable, and sparked sincere
internal reflection and dialogue among our team. The growth has started to show itself, as
our team leadership has developed more energy and effectiveness. Dialogue that previously
contained elements of blame and excuses has transitioned to dialogue of ownership,
solutions, support. Binie helped each team member understand their current leadership
energy and related factors, and set achievable goals for personal and professional success.
She cultivated honest conversation and genuine accountability towards achieving the goals.
She also fosters a healthy view of work and personal life goals which results in a more
energetic company culture and connectedness to the company’s mission. Binie is extremely
energetic and skilled, and our company is optimistic for our future thanks to her.”
-L. Milam, COO Milam’s markets

“Binie’s presentation was extremely helpful and valuable! She skillfully helped us recognize
our strengths and weaknesses, and more importantly, how to harness our innate qualities
for greater success both at work and in life in general. I learned how to be okay tolerating
discomfort to achieve my goals. Binie is a breath of fresh air and her workshop was the
support and boost I really needed I’ve now started to prioritize my health and challenge
myself to do better in all areas!”
-J.F. Project Manager

Contact Binie

Want to book Binie for your next event, conference, or corporate offsite?

Have questions about a possible speaking engagement?

Fill out the form below or email us at binie@binieklein.com to begin the conversation.

Please fill in the form below.