The Dangers of Hitting the Snooze Button

My morning routine is very important to me.

Rain or shine, I set my alarm and have a specific list of tasks I aim to accomplish before I officially start my day. Some days it’s really tough, but I push through knowing how good I feel when I start my day on the right foot.

(You can grab a copy of my morning routine, here.)

The key to the whole routine is not something super fancy. You’d probably never guess it.

The key to my morning routine is not hitting the snooze button.

Now I know a lot of people purposely set their alarms a couple of minutes earlier in order to indulge in the satisfying feeling of snoozing that alarm and grabbing a couple of extra minutes of beauty sleep.

Besides for the fact that those few extra minutes are only a few extra minutes, meaning not making a difference in how rested you actually feel that day, there is a big problem with hitting the snooze button.

Why’s that?

Well, is checking off your to do list important to you? Do you try to start your day in a way that sets you up to WIN? 

Hitting the snooze button does the exact opposite. It sends your body the wrong message, without you even realizing it. 

When you hit that snooze button you don’t start your day with a winning mindset. You end up feeling more foggy and tired than you would have felt if you would have jumped out of bed right away.

When you resist the urge to hit “snooze” you make a powerful choice right away, which starts your day on a high note. It sets the tone for you to be intentional and purposeful throughout your day.

Don’t underestimate this small habit. It works wonders.

Talk soon,

Binie Klein

PS- Join my Facebook Group for professionals and entrepreneurs looking to crush their goals with ease. Over there, you’ll find a copy of my Morning Rituals that set me up to WIN.

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