The "Have It All" Collective

In this modern era, anything is possible. 

Your future is up for the taking.

What are you going to make of your one precious life?

Your life gets to be exceptional.

To be more than just a woman, going through the motions of life: work-cook dinner-put kids to bed/tidy up- and do it all over again tomorrow.

You’re meant for more. To squeeze the “juice” out of life.

And it’s up for the taking.

You’ve been hesitant to go all in to create an amazing life AND successful career.

  • You feel maxed out with what’s already on your plate. You can’t imagine adding anything else.

  • You’re not sure it’s actually possible to have a fulfilling, successful career AND a flourishing personal life, at least not in the stage you are in now.

  • You think taking your career or business to the next level will hurt your family life, and you are unwilling to make that sacrifice.

  • You’ve tried making change (like starting to go to the gym, going to sleep earlier etc.) but it’s never stuck. There’s always something coming up whether it’s a work trip, child under the weather, or something in between.

  • You aren’t sure if you’re in the right career/business for you.

  • You think you should just feel grateful for all the good things you do have instead of “rocking the boat” and working to make it better.

Under this doubt, there is a more vibrant, alive, fulfilled version of yourself that wants to come out.

A version of you that:

  • Takes great care of yourself: Exercises weekly, eats proper meals, gets enough sleep, and feels healthy, strong, and full of energy.

  • Is making serious money and LOVES showing up to work because you know that you are growing, using your talents, and contributing to the world.

  • Has time and energy for your family. Where you aren’t wiped from a full day of work and mentally and emotionally unavailable for everything except scrolling IG. Where it feels easy to get on the floor and play with your kids, listen to your husband recount his day, or tuck your kids into bed at night without itching to duck out.

  • Feels calm every morning and evening equipped with a weekly calendar that actually has time for everything you need to be doing (instead of feeling stressed with a never ending to do list).

  • Has a dreamy marriage. Even though you two are different, you know how to effectively communicate what you need, you prioritize quality time, and also know how to fill your own cup.

  • Feels healthy, strong, and nourished through consistent exercise, proper meals, and getting rest.

  • LOVES the life you are living because even though there will be hard days, your week is filled with all of the things important to you.


The Have It All Collective

The room for women who do not want to settle for mediocrity, in their lives or careers.


I am a firm believer that a strong mindset AND solid strategy is necessary to create your version of “Have it All”.

It’s not all “think positive thoughts” and “believe in yourself”.

But it’s also not all “time management” and “goals”.
(If this was the case, a quick google search would solve your challenge.)

This group is a unique blend of the two.

“My experience with coaching has been incredibly transformative. As a lawyer, new mom, wife, and fitness lover, Binie taught me that I can have it all. Binie has given me the tools to tap into my power and feel happy, fulfilled, intentional, and successful, and that in itself is transformative. My life went from chaotic and messy to learning how to prioritize my time, adjust my perspective, and make thoughtful decisions about each aspect of my life. As a new mom, having Binie in my corner to help me through hard decisions and help me up level my life has been priceless.”

-D.T. client


  • You no longer start and end the day feeling heavy, and behind, no matter how productive you were. You feel calm, at peace, and deeply fulfilled knowing everything is getting done, you are on track to your professional goals, and you are being the woman you want to be at home.

  • Money is flowing. You solve the challenges in your way to earning more money in your business or reaching the next level at work. You can get the new couch or sign up for that pilates class, because, you’ve got it.

  • You feel deliciously connected to your people: spouse, children, family, friends. You aren’t scared of vulnerable conversations. You ask for what you need and are able to put your phone away, be present, and soak up the precious moments.

  • You feel so good in your body. You love the way you look and feel. You have healthy habits that support you in feeling your best.


✓ Identify your priorities.
Master your focus, achieve more, and feel fulfilled by identifying what’s ACTUALLY important to you, and what isn’t.

✓ Create a time management plan/schedule.
Create a life you love with a schedule that prioritizes what matters most.
Achieve more by effortlessly and strategically inputting your priorities into your week.
Learn how to be efficient and effective with your time to dissolve long to do lists and stay on track toward your goals.
End each week feeling accomplished and fulfilled knowing you are doing all of the things important to you.

✓ Become your healthiest self.
Start living your healthiest life by prioritizing the things that make you feel your best.
Identify your Health Essentials Vs. Extras and make a plan to fit it all in AND start feeling confident and energized.
You feeling good matters AND it is the foundation to you having the bandwidth to achieve everything else.

✓ Deepen into your Relationships.
Create deeper, more meaningful relationships with your spouse, children, loved ones and friends. Learn proven strategies to communicate better, resolve conflict, and prioritize quality time that bring joy and fulfillment to your life.

Achieve your professional goals.
Dream big and create your vision for your career or business.
Utilize your potential and talents to achieve success without overworking or sacrificing your personal life.
Gain the confidence, ability to feel uncomfortable, and skills needed to reach your professional goals with ease.

✓ Create your most enjoyable life.
Dream about the most ideal life you can have right now, down to how you start and end your day, and how you feel. Get custom coaching to help you create that life now.

✓ Feel calm.
The one thing that’s certain is that the unexpected always happens. Learn how to navigate the bumps and stresses of life so that you feel calm, at peace, and are okay, even when your kid still cheerios right before an important zoom meeting.

You’ll gain access to all of my tools and frameworks that will support you through every step of your journey to creating your HAVE IT ALL life.

Weekly Coaching Calls
In the Have it All Collective, you are supported every step of the way. Every week you join the group for an hour of coaching and masterminding to dissolve the obstacles in your way as you create the life and career/business of your dreams.

Private FB Group
You never have to wait a week to ask a question, get quick coaching, or celebrate a win. You join the private Facebook Group where you receive on demand support, build new friendships, and celebrate your wins. You know the phrase- “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with”? This facebook community is the space to level up and support each other on the big goals and amazing lives you are creating.

Tools and Frameworks
To teach you everything you need to make your dreamiest life and career success your reality.

This is the decision that turns your typical life into an extraordinary one where you have ALL of the things you desire (work and personal).

Investment: $1,998

Timeline: This is a five month group program beginning on November 12th.

Ready to join?


Have a couple of questions or want to confirm this group is the best fit for you?
No Problem.


Hi, I’m Binie

Five years ago, my life was what you would say “typical”.

I was working a mediocre job, earning mediocre pay.

My marriage was fine.

My body was fine.

But I didn’t feel good.

I knew I wanted more out of my life and my career (although I had no idea what that was or how to make it happen).

I knew that some people would just tell me to “be grateful for what I have” and not do anything to “risk messing it up.”

But that’s not me.

I knew that I wanted an exceptional life and career.

So I hired a Life Coach who helped me make my life feel a whole lot more enjoyable.

I started to prioritize daily exercise, proper meals, and getting great sleep.

I worked on dissolving my stress through creating a time management system and improving my mindset.

And then I joined a group coaching program which supported me in starting my business and creating the most unbelievable life. Better than I ever could have imagined.

I replaced my salary (and then doubled and tripled that). 

I started doing more of the work that I loved, and put boundaries so that I could still get quality time with my kids every afternoon.

And I evolved my mornings, evenings, and weekends to feel calm, enjoyable, turning the simple pleasures into luxurious affairs.

This group is a culmination of everything I have learned and the step by step strategies I have used to get me from that mediocre life to the amazing life and six figure business I have now.

I’m ready to show you how.

You coming?

Who this group is for:

✓ Driven women. You can take action and implement the coaching.

✓ You work a job, or have a business, or are about to start one.

✓ You value career success and satisfaction AND having an amazing home life (and/or family life).

✓ You value prioritizing your health and feeling good (even if you’re not doing it right now).

Who it’s not for:

❌ People who want a quick fix.

❌ Women who are not ready to make the changes and stay accountable toward goals.


Wednesdays at 12 PM EST.

Not a problem. While you will hold this time sacred in your calendar, there will be times when life comes up and you will have to miss a call. All calls are recorded for you to watch and learn from at your leisure.

Of course! Each week you can raise your hand for coaching on anything related to your life or career. Plus, you can get coaching in between calls from Binie in the private Have It All Collective Facebook group.

Yes, you can split the payment in two to be paid in two to be paid in the first two months.

Absolutely. As a member of the Have It All Collective, you have the opportunity to purchase single private sessions with me to use at any point during our time together.

If you are a woman who has a career/business, cares deeply about your success, fulfillment, and an amazing life, and you are ready to make that happen, this group is for you.

If you are not 100% sure, email or set up a short call to discuss.

No, this group is open to all women! Women in careers, businesses, growing side hustles etc.

Yes, this is for women at every level! If you have dreams to grow in impact, income, how you manage your time or your well-being, this room is for you.

1:1 coaching is completely custom and personal, at a higher price point. The “Have It All” Collective has the aspect of community, support, learning from your peers, teaching and more. If you still aren’t sure, book a call with Binie to discuss:
No problem, get on a call with Binie to get your question answered.